Таштагольская линия и Новокузнецкий узел

3 min readOct 9, 2020


Tashtagol railway line

This is a region of South Siberia. This area low known in Moscow, ше is into shadow of more famous places like Transsib and Irkutsk area, but it should intresting for railfan rides too.

I also do not much known about Novkouznetsk — Tashtagol region, so i save here information about local railways near Novokuznetsk.



Here is a freight mainline corridor: Uzsib Южсиб: Magnitogorsk — Novokuznetsk — Taishet from west to east. It electrified. Beetwen Novokuznetsk and Askiz — a mountain section. Sadly, in 2020s there is only one passenger train on this section, and it run here in night. Local trains are cancelled in 2010-s.



A local train service on EMUs run 6 trains per day at Novokuznetsk — Mezdurechensk station. This is a metal production region, but prorably here no railfan intresting.

Mezdurechensk-Gorod station

A unusual scheme for Soviet railways: end of EMU line in Mezdurechensk-Gorod located on special dead-end platform, for better walk access. https://parovoz.com/newgallery/pg_view.php?ID=661474&LNG=RU#picture In USSR there was also terminal for DMU service to mineshafts

Разрез Междуреченский

Mezdurechensk quarry

At south-west from Mezdurechensk is a big coal quarry with OPE-1 hybrid electric-diesel locomotives, but it prorably not accesible.

Линия Аскиз-Абаза

Askiz-Abaza line

Just branch line, far from Novokuznetsk, but with passenger train. Accesible via overnight train Novokuznetsk — Abakan. There is two train Askiz-Abaza, diesel engine with car.

Таштагольская линия

Tashtagol line

Mountain railway line from Novokuznetsk to south, into ore mines region. Electrified. This is prorably most intresting line around Novokuznetsk.

Places here described from farest to nearest point.



Small mining town. There is mountain ski resorts around, but prorably all skiers use own cars. There is one local train from Novokuznetsk. It runs every second day. It departs from Novokuznetsk at early morning, arrive to Tashtagol at middle of morning, and go back at mid day. Prorably there is possible interchange to some other EMU at back route.

There is prorably many mountain views at railway Novokuznetsk — Tashtagol, but it not possible to make photo of train without a car.

Until 2013 there also was long-distance sleeper train from Kemerovo.



Terminal station for two EMU per day



There was a mining processing plant with old TE3 locomotives. It was demolished in 2010-s, TE3 was withdrawn, and prorably no intresting here more



Mining town with very small city tram system with two lines. Line to mine was closed in 2010-s, and rest of system is very short. It should be easy access from Novokuznetsk via EMU, 5 times per day.



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