Presnya museum, Moscow

2 min readFeb 14, 2018


Here is a decription of Presnya museum in Moscow, witch has been surveyed by us at January of 2018. I playing with photogrammetry technology, and instead of post bulk photos, i just convert these photos to 3D models of museum halls.

Interior of main staircase hall of Presnya museum

So ok. In 1905 year a worker’s uprising was been in Moscow. Goverment forces conquered the city soon. A base of uprsing was a industrial Presnya district. These events widely descripted in Soviet literature, but unfortunately there is a no maps at Wikipedia, so i cannot show it in article.

In 1968–1975 a new, modernist museum building was build.

Main attraction of it become a diorama, showing a defense of barricade

Presnya defence in 1905. Goverment forces push a reds to right (west)

Diorama shows a square from point of view, witch should be famous to all visitors — view from zoo entrance to south.

Next part of museum — historical interiors related to establish of Soviet regtime.

Interior of Kremlin conference room
Interior of Lenin residence room in Kremlin, 1918–1923
Mariya Ulyanova Room. Interior moved from Kremlin residence, where Mariya Ulyanova, sister of Vladimir Lenin lived in 1918–1937.
Revolutionary conference room, oldest exibit of museum.



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